TRUE: True Stories from a Small Town #1 Series: True: True Stories from a Small Town by Dell Sweet TRUE: True Stories From A Small Town #1 Five True Stories… The Body. A ride in his Fathers truck as a small boy turns into a life long bad memory… The Last Ride. It was a busy Friday…
Month: February 2025
Working on content creation with RAD Sandbox
Working on content creation with RAD Sandbox Home:
W. G. Sweet – Kobo books
Earth’s Survivors: Los Angeles byW. G. SweetBook 8 –Earth’s Survivors An apocalypse of worldwide proportions has destroyed civilized life. It has killed billions worldwide. In some places there are small groups of survivors that have managed to hang on and stay alive. Billy and Beth are with one of those groups in Los Angeles. They…
The Bone Clan $4.99
Categories: Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Suspense Thrillers, Thriller / Psychological Tags: Adventure, eBooks, thrillers Deh knew that his clan was not as strong as it once was. The journey to this new land had been long and arduous, and many of his people had not survived. But he was determined to make a new home…
The Man’s Too Strong
A cover of Dire Straits “The man’s too strong.”I am amazed at the type of songs Mark Knopfler writes. Most artists aim for the fast hit type songs, he writes from life, experience, emotion. My cover is not the same. My voice, my guitar work. Hope you like it enough to go listen to the…
3D Modeler
3D Modeler $99.99 The 3D modeler suite can meet all of your needs for a modeler in one app. Model, UV work and Animation. #3DGame Builder Software, #3DGame Building, #3DGames, #3DModeling, #Car Models, #Software Home:
Earth’s Survivors Life Stories
Earth’s Survivors Life Stories: Jack and Maria Jack: It was on a Tuesday. I went to get the mail and there were six or seven dead crows by the box. I thought those… #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Earth’s Survivors Life Stories: Beth Beth comes from Los Angeles in the first days of the Apocalypse…
Building an apocalyptic City
Building an apocalyptic city. I have yet to build a full-blown apocalyptic city so I’m beginning one. This will be comprised of a destroyed city that includes debris, wrecked cars and melts into an apocalyptic wasteland with abandoned guard towers… #3dbuild #radsandbox #openfxmodeler #3dmodels #WendellSweet
The Clan hurriedly escaped through the treacherous night. Overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion they felt defeated in the face of catastrophe #Prehistoric #HistoricalFiction #WGSweet #Paleolithic #Neanderthal #Denisovans U.S: U.K: CA: MX: AU: BR: JP: PL: Home:
GOOGLE PLAY BOOKS – Glennville series
GOOGLE PLAY BOOKS A Bad Day for Billy Apr 2021 · Wendell Sweet Ebook 332 Pages About this ebook Book 11 in the Glenville series For Billy Jingo, living in Glennville is a dead in life. His trailer home next to the county dump. His dead-end job. The boring life he lived. And then on…