Today I wanted to make a landscape to serve three purposes. First to show how easy it is to do in OFX and second, so I have a desert looking landscape to add the El Camino to and drive it around. And third? Well, Horvi likes hilly terrain so he will probably use it for something :).
So, I started by making a few height maps. No sweat, you are simply making a map using shades of gray to denote height. Try it with OFX, experiment a few times until you get the hang of doing it. You will see in the video that once I found something I thought translated well I used the clone stamp in PhotoScape to clone an entire random map while leaving several random high spots.
I took that to OFX and as you see I made a wonderful map that just needed a few adjustments to make it useable. I then switched to Ultimate Unwrap and added further model improvements. Didn’t know you could do that? You can. It has a ton of modeling features. After those adjustments and fixes I added just two textures. Both are seamless textures. That is where I left off today. I hope you enjoyed spending those two hours with me and that you learned something, Dell…
#3dbuild #3dmodels #3dmodelingsoftware #3dmodelingtutorial

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