He had been lying half in half out of the gutter for the last several hours that he knew of. He had no idea how long before that. Days? Weeks? Weeks seemed wrong. #Horror #Zombies ##Kindle #Amazon #Readers #BookLovers #BookWorms Home: https://www.writerz.net
Author: admin
Content Creation
Content Creation https://youtu.be/UyJ3gKSQw-g?si=vkqW3dBCoAbpoMpx via @YouTube Working on content creation with RAD Sandbox #3DModeling #3DGameCreation #RadSandbox #3DRad
Earth’s Survivors: Knock (The Earth’s Survivors Book 8) Kindle Edition
5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 2 ratings #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Book 8 of 8: The Earth’s Survivors Home: https://www.pcgeos.com
Building the Mad Max car – Interceptor
Building the Mad Max car – Interceptor. I built this for fun and added it to Rad Sandbox:
Learning 3D modeling conversion
This is a 5 hour video series of me snagging a model, taking it from a 42 MG unusable model (Too large to use in a video game) to a 7.5 MG model. Building the material list using Ultimate Unwrap, groups, bones, image maps/skins and then adding it to Rad Sandbox and building 2 new…
Notes from the Edge – Star Dancer
Michael Watson is the captain of an inner galaxy cruiser: He Purchased Star Dancer and has spent the last twenty years running people and supplies to outposts within the confines of the Solar System… #SciFi #StarTravel #DellSweet https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098WV18B5 Here is a free read from my novel Star Dancer. Star Dancer was a departure from my…
Single Books from author Dell Sweet
Check out the books by dell sweet. Awesome standalone books from Apple books. #Apple #Stories #eBooks #iTunes #DellSweet #Space #Crime #Horror https://books.apple.com/us/book-series/singles/id1566637347 Home: https://www.writerz.net
America the Dead
A five book saga of the end of the world told by the survivors in their own words. These books pick up the saga of the Earth’s Survivors and tells the individual stories of those people as they struggle to survive. #Zombie #Horror #Kindle #Amazon Amazon 5 book series link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLKWHZG8 America the Dead Survivor…
Necro Kindle Edition
He had been lying half in half out of the gutter for the last several hours that he knew of. He had no idea how long before that. Days? Weeks? Weeks seemed wrong. #Horror #Zombies ##Kindle #Amazon #Readers #BookLovers #BookWorms Home: https://www.writerz.net
Mister Bob – Amazon
Mister Bob: Collected Short Stories Seventeen stories from Dell Sweet, from True stories tohorror and even humor. #Horror #Humor #ShortStories #Kindle #Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZDRC48G Home: https://www.pcgeos.com