Mexico by Geo Dell He could feel the slick blood and splinters of bone underhis hand, but he pushed the knowledge out of his mind, took a deep breath,braced himself and then reached down with his free hand and snatched thehandles pulling the heavy bag free… #Crime #Readers #BookWorms #Apple Home:
Author: Author Geo Dell
Romeo and Juliet cover by Dell Sweet
Romeo and Juliet: A cover I did of one of my favorite songs. I love Dire Straits; Mark Knopfler writes and performs awesome songs. My cover is not exact, but I did it for my wife and she loves it. 🙂 #DireStraits #Music #Cover #DellSweet Home:
Rode the Limited
One of my self-penned songs. written and performed by myself. All music, instruments, lyrics are copyright protected. All registered with BMI – Wendell Sweet. #Music #DellSweet #BMI #Blogger Home:
A Minor Acoustic
#SelfPenned #originalsong #dellsweet This is the acoustic version of A Minor, a song I wrote back in 2006 that is about my life. A studio version was released on an EP in 2013. I will eventually load that one here so you can hear the differences between the two.#SelfPenned #originalsong #dellsweet #artist #bmi Home:
Rode The Limited
A song I wrote about riding the Sunset Limited (Amtrack) from Alabama to NYC and then back again. Loved the trip and the song is pretty much spot on for the trip. #Alabama#RodeTheLimited#Train#OriginalSong#Lyrics#SongWriter#BMI #SunsetUnlimited Home:
The Man’s Too Strong
A cover of Dire Straits “The man’s too strong.”I am amazed at the type of songs Mark Knopfler writes. Most artists aim for the fast hit type songs, he writes from life, experience, emotion. My cover is not the same. My voice, my guitar work. Hope you like it enough to go listen to the…
True Stories 3
True Stories from a small town #3 In AA they say that addictions will take you to hospitals, Mental Institutions and Prisons. It’s true. They will. I have been in all of those places… #NonFiction #TrueStories #Kindle #Amazon Home:
Settlement Earth
Settlement Earth done ( Settlement Earth Settlement Earth – Book Three An alarm that was mounted partway up the wall above the huge banks of monitors began to bray. Long, strident calls. Mieka turned to the alarm, frozen for a second. It had never been triggered in the ten years he had worked at the…
Reset Onset Book 1 in the Reset series
Book 1: Amazon exclusive and that means free to Prime members! #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #DellSweet #Amazon #Kindle
Today my world slipped away 2024 04 27
A cover of the George Strait song “Today my world slipped Away” I come from country roots, singing in bands that were C&W at about 8, talent shows. I never sang the rock that I actually listened to in my personal time until I front a rock band as their singer in the eighties. I…