As the clock ticks down for our planet and her inhabitants, powers that have lain dormant for centuries are loosed on the Earth. #Horror #Kindle #Amazon #Biblical #Christian #Fiction Home:
Model build – Military Concept Part one
#3dbuild#3dmodels#3dmodeler Complete 3D model build. This is the initial building of a military concept vehicle. I ran an AI concept image for an Advertisement I was doing for a book, and it came back with an AI rendered military concept truck that I liked. The entire model is built in this 246 min video. It…
El Camino 4
This is a two-model package. An El Camino type project. This is not to specs, none of my models are and I do that so there are no licensing issues. This is rendered in Direct X and it is compressed. This model includes two different versions and includes all of the image maps and graphics…
Geo Dell/George Dell – Guitar Works
Guitar Works Volume Two: Custom Builds One Kindle Edition 5.0 out of 5 stars This manual will give you information that you can use to do your own custom repairs on guitars. #WoodWorking #Luthier #GuitarBuilds #CustomGuitarBuilding #Amazon Guitar Works Volume Three: Custom Builds Two Kindle Edition 5.0 out of 5 stars #WoodWorking #Luthier #GuitarBuilds #CustomGuitarBuilding…
Short Stories from Dell Sweet
Short Stories Mister Bob: Collected Short Stories Seventeen stories from Dell Sweet, from True stories to horror and even humor. #Horror #Humor #ShortStories #Kindle #Amazon Crime Time Crime Time is a collection of nine crime stories from author Dell Sweet. From short stories to near novel length… #Crime #Fiction #DellSweet #Kindle #Amazon Billy Jingo 5.0…
Author W W Watson
W. Watson Connected Connected: Short Hauls Kindle Edition Book 1 of 3: Connected A collection of seven crime stories; including Harrows… They had been drinking one night when Robby had come out with the murder bit. #ShortStories #CrimeFiction #Watson #Readerrs #Kindle Connected: Sanger Road Kindle Edition Book 2 of 3: Connected Sanger Road… Pulled from…
W. G. Sweet – Kobo books
Earth’s Survivors: Los Angeles byW. G. SweetBook 8 –Earth’s Survivors An apocalypse of worldwide proportions has destroyed civilized life. It has killed billions worldwide. In some places there are small groups of survivors that have managed to hang on and stay alive. Billy and Beth are with one of those groups in Los Angeles. They…
The Earth’s Survivors series
Sale! Current price is: $15.00. EARTH’S SURVIVORS: The Earth’s Survivors Series follows survivors of a worldwide catastrophe. Categories: Apocalyptic Fiction, Dystopia, eBook, Fiction, Horror Tags: A. L. Norton, Apocalypse, Apocalyptic Fiction, Earth’s Survivors, eBooks, Survival. Home:
Reset: Onset
Reset: Onset. In a world ravaged by Apocalypse, Reset follows survivors as they struggle to stay alive. If you’re looking for series to binge-read you’ve found it. #Horror #ApocalypticFiction #Dystopian #ZombieFiction U.S.: U.K.: AU: MX: BR: JP: FR: Home:
Compiling with 3D RAD
Rad Sandbox $99.99 Complete game building software. Templates, files, models, everything is included. Categories: 3D Models, 3D Software, Game Builders Tags: #3DGame Builder Software, #3DGame Building, #3DGames, #3DModeling, #Car Models, #Software Home: